Helios Wire

About Helios Wire

Helios Wire was a developer of satellite-based IoT systems designed to assist in wireless satellite communications. The company's system connected to a machine-to-machine platform that tracked and improved wireless connectivity at low bandwidth and low service cost. They utilized a combination of low-Earth orbiting satellites and terrestrial networks for their global satellite-enabled system.

My Contributions


During my time at Helios Wire, I made significant contributions to the development and deployment of satellite-based IoT systems. Some of my notable achievements include:

My Two Cents

Having worked at Helios Wire, I gained valuable insights into the satellite-based IoT industry. It was an exciting experience to contribute to the development of cutting-edge technologies that improve wireless connectivity and enable data communication across various industries. The opportunity to design and deploy antennas, model IoT gateways, and play a role in the procurement process was both challenging and rewarding.

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