
About SpaceRyde

SpaceRyde was a company aiming to revolutionize space cargo transportation and encourage innovation and economic growth in space. They developed an innovative system utilizing a stratospheric balloon to enable emission-free transportation beyond the atmosphere. Their rocket system offered multifunctionality and was designed for in-space missions such as refueling, deep space exploration, space debris removal, and de-orbiting.

Company Background

SpaceRyde was founded in 2018 by husband-wife founders Saharnaz Safari and Sohrab Haghighat. It started with a vision to eliminate barriers to innovation in space. Over time, the company grew rapidly, employing over 30 individuals and establishing a 25,000-square-foot rocket factory and advanced engine groundworks facility.

Bankruptcy and Closure

Unfortunately, SpaceRyde faced financial challenges and filed for bankruptcy. The Canadian launch company, known for its balloon-assisted rocket system, sought bankruptcy protection. Despite their ambitious goals and innovative approach, the company was unable to sustain its operations and fulfill its planned launches.

My Contributions
